Exclusive: Rise: Blood Hunter Trailer!

Can I just say this, please? Lucy Liu is gorgeous. I know, it may seem like a “well, duh” statement, but sometimes it’s almost painful to watch her on screen she’s so pretty. It doesn’t hurt that she’s got a thing for kissing women either.
At least she does in the trailer for her latest starring role in Rise: Blood Hunter, which is making its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend. The poster’s been revealed all over the ‘Net, but right here on Dread Central is the only place you’re going to find the trailer for Rise: Blood Hunter!
In the film Liu plays a reporter who gets bitten by some underhanded vampires, turning her into one as well against her will. Instead of donning some black clothes and listening to old Bauhaus records, she arms herself and goes a vampire huntin’ to take down the bastards that turned her against her will.
Check out the trailer for Rise: Blood Hunter here; then head over to our special Tribeca preview page to find out when and where it’s playing this weekend and how you might get to see it for free!
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