Silent Hill, Outlander Updates


Producer Don Carmody (Silent Hill) has been spending a lot of time talking to Shock Till You Drop recently, handing out updates on his various projects like they were candy.

Most recently the site got to find out about the latest on Outlander, the Viking vs. Monster epic we’ve been following for a while now. He said the creature, called the Moorwen, is looking really good so far, and some recent footage he saw of it is looking “really, really cool”. Good news since the film got off to a rough start trying to come up with enough money to make it viable, but so far it’s been worth it.

“The aim is [to release the film] for late-October, but the picture is running long.” Reportedly about three hours kind of long. “We’re getting down to length and that may delay us a little, that’s always the toughest thing.” Read more about it right here.

Carmody also talked about the sequel to Silent Hill, the script for which is being developed, but Gans will not likely return to the director’s seat. He’s also working on getting Clock Tower to the big screen though it seems to be stuck in some level of development hell. More on that is right here!

Johnny Butane

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