Vote for Joshua


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Vote for your favorite Joshua poster! (click for larger image)Kids are creepy. Well, kids with a vacant 20-yard stare and perfectly combed hair are creepy at least. Look at Damien or those Village of the Damned kids. You’ll get me.

Fox Searchlight is looking to add another creepy tot to the pantheon with their July 6th release of Joshua (not to be confused with the excellent indie film by Travis Betz of the same name), the story of a Manhattan couple whose idyllic life begins to crumble when they bring home their second child. Seems the first, the titular Joshua, isn’t too fond of the competition and has some rather nefarious plans for it.

In association with Shock Till You Drop, Searchlight is looking to get some fans’ opinions on the best poster to indicate what a creep-fest this movie’s going to be. Just click here to vote for your favorite of five posters for Joshua and find out if your opinion really does matter!

Johnny Butane

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