Become Infected

Want to see some nasty infected? Or maybe get your ass on television without having to sing in front of Paula and Simon? Look no further than Fox Atomic!
The upstart studio just released a brand-new clip from 28 Weeks Later, coming to theaters on May 11th, to the big guys over at Yahoo! Movies. It’s a chunk from the film in which the Rage virus makes its big comeback and does contain a bit of a spoiler, but it’s nothing savvy horror fans haven’t figure out already. Check out the clip right here!
But that’s not all! FA also has a new 15 Gigs of Fear contest running over on their official site, which you can enter to win a chance to fly to LA, tour the Fox lot, and get made over as an infected by a professional makeup artist! Then you might even get your infected mug shown on television! Click here to learn all about it.
I’ll be posting my report from the set of 28 Weeks Later in the coming weeks so keep your eyes open!
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