Disturbia Tops, Grindhouse Flops


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Grindhouse falls to #10 in second weekendA very bad message was sent to Hollywood over the last two weeks, and something tells me this might have some very noticeable side effects on what we get to see in theaters.

Last weekend the Tarantino/Rodriguez masterpiece Grindhouse (review, DFF) managed to squeeze itself into fourth place despite a very high estimate from Dimension on how well it would do. This weekend the PG-13 teen thriller Disturbia (review) opened up in the #1 spot at the box office while Grindhouse dropped 63% (according to most estimates) to land at #10.

So what’s the message? First, mainstream audiences don’t want to sit in a theater for 3 hours (even if it’s for two fucking movies) unless it’s titled Return of the King. Second, hard-R horror that doesn’t involve power tools and screaming girls is apparently not what the moviegoing public is in the mood for.

But the worst message of all is that not only could Grindhouse not keep itself upright the second week out, but a vanilla thriller like Disturbia could manage to do more business than both it and the films that had bested it the week before. The whole thing makes me a little bit ill, to be honest.

Do yourself a favor; go see Grindhouse. From the looks of things it’s going to be dying a very quick death in theaters, which is the one place this movie needs to be seen. So get your asses out there and make it happen!

Johnny Butane

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