Another Damn Species Movie

Holy shit, why is someone still handing out cash to make Species sequels yet Don Coscarelli can’t find enough to roll on Bubba Nosferatu without selling some limbs? This is a sick world we live in, friends.
Yep, that’s right, there has been a fourth Species movie made, Species: Quattro (:eyeroll:), as the newest news hound at Coming Soon recently discovered when visiting the website for the film’s cinematographer, Jaime Reynoso, who also shot the Eduardo Rodriguez movie Curandero that’s still awaiting release.
This time out the lead is played by Helena Mattsson, who stars as a girl that discovers she’s actually the genetic crossbreed between human and alien. When she starts getting horny and has to breed, never a good thing to be on the receiving of if you remember, Ben Cross (“Dark Shadows”) shows up and tows her down to Mexico in hopes of curing her. Oh, Mexico, that explains the Quattro!
Hit Reynoso’s site here to see the Species: Quattro trailer and look for Sci Fi to announce it’s debut on their channel any day now.
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