Exclusive: Coscarelli Talks New Phantasm!

We just put up our first-ever interview with Don Coscarelli (hear it here), in which Uncle Creepy picks Don’s brain on the history of Phantasm and why it’s so great that Anchor Bay loves to treat fans right.
Of course there were two inevitable questions Creepy had to ask, the first being the status of a DVD for Phantasm II, which has never seen a release here in the U.S. “Sadly, I don’t have any inside word,” Coscarelli told us. “Universal holds the rights, and they have a lot of movies to release. I don’t think they’re going through their catalog and releasing movies with Roman numerals attached to them yet. I certainly will continue doing what I have been doing, calling them every six or eight months to find out if there’s any movement.”
Though it is a shame, a damn fine version of the film is available in the UK through Anchor Bay UK’s Phantasm sphere set, for those of you with a region-free player.
So what about a new Phantasm movie if we can’t get an old one? “I hate to tell you this, but as of now the epic Phantasm project, which was originally called Phantasm 1999 and had a script by Roger Avary, will definitely not be made,” Don revealed to us. “The screenplay was hyper violent, epic in scope, had a terrific role for Bruce Campbell in it, but we just couldn’t find a studio exec who was visionary enough to see the potential.”
“But there’s still life in the old franchise, though!” he continued. “The fans and the cast members are always asking me when the next one’s going to be as well, so we rolled around ideas and finally we have a screenplay written. It’s really quite interesting in that it answers a lot of questions; now it’s just a question of finding the opportunity to get this thing going.”
Definitely some phantastic news, don’t you think? I know we have readers with way more money than they know what to do with, so perhaps tossing a few million Don’s way will help ease the burden? Just a thought.
Click here to hear the entire interview with Don Coscarelli! And don’t forget, Phantasm, Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead and Don’s “lost” movie, Survival Quest, are all out on DVD come April 10th, so be sure you’re saving your pennies!
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