Stoker Awards Announced!

We just got word from the halls of the World Horror Convention going on in Toronto that the winners for the 2006 Stoker Awards have been announced! And don’t worry; this isn’t an April Fool’s joke (if it were it’d be pretty damn lame, no?). Check it out!
Lisey’s Story (review) by Stephen King (Scribner)
Ghost Road Blues (review) by Jonathan Maberry (Pinnacle)
Dark Harvest (review) by Norman Partridge (Cemetery Dance)
“Tested” by Lisa Morton (Cemetery Dance magazine #55)
(Tie) Retro Pulp Tales by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean); and Mondo Zombie by John Skipp (Cemetery Dance)
Destinations Unknown by Gary A. Braunbeck (Cemetery Dance)
(Tie) Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die by Michael Largo (Harper); and Gospel of the Living Dead: George Romero’s Visions of Hell on Earth by Kim Paffenroth (Baylor Press)
Shades Fantastic by Bruce Boston (Gromagon Press)
The Horror Writer’s Association also presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to Hannibal Lecter creator Thomas Harris, which seems a bit dubious to me considering that’s about all he’s done in his career, but he has done a good job so far. A rep from Random House’s Toronto branch accepted the award on Harris’ behalf.
PS Publishing of East Yorkshire, England also took home the Specialty Press Award this year. Check out their official blog site here for more information on them.
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