Fear Fest on Fearnet!


Two killers, one reporter, and a Kryten in the background!Well, our first convention teamed with Pit of Horror is behind us and I think it went pretty damn smooth. No exploding hookers, no blood-filled elevators and a minimum amount of sexual regrets came out of the weekend. What more can you really ask for?

Don’t take my word for it, though, I’m biased. Actually you will take my word for it when Creepy and I post our coverage of the even later this week, but for now I thought you might like to hear an outsiders perspective; specifically Scott Weinberg of Fearnet who just posted a flattering write-up of the event on the Fearnet site.

Scott, your check is in the mail!

Click here for Fearnet’s Fear Fest coverage and look for more coverage to come online in the next few days as we release some of those we caught trying to get away too early and finish their “attitude readjustment”. All in good fun of course!

Johnny Butane

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