Alien Day 2016: Neill Blomkamp Shows Off Newt Concept Art

Today, as you may have noticed, is Alien Day, and to celebrate 4/26, the director of the upcoming Alien sequel, Neill Blomkamp, took to his Instagram account to share with fans his concept of an adult version of Newt, the little girl Ripley saved in Aliens.
While Alien: Covenant heads to theaters on October 6, 2017, the fate of District 9 director Neill Blomkamp’s planned Alien sequel hangs in the balance at the moment. If it does happen, Michael Biehn is set to reprise the role of Corporal Hicks, and he spoke with Icons of Fright about the project in an earlier interview.
“The basic idea is acting like Alien 3 and 4 never existed,” said Biehn. “I know Ridley Scott is doing his movie first and is going to be the executive producer on this one, so I’m really looking forward to that. I know that Ridley’s focus is on the second Prometheus and I’m sure that he and Fox both don’t want that and Neill’s movie to come out right next to each other, because they’re kind of two different worlds, with Aliens taking place thousands of years later, which is how they explained it all to me, but at the same time, they want to give them a similar feel. I know they’re putting the brakes on Neill’s movie just for a little while, but I really think that it would be embarrassing to Ridley and Fox and Sigourney if they just didn’t make the movie.”
“They’re planning on bringing me and Newt back, and at this point Newt will be around twenty-seven years old,” he continued. “I know that every actress in Hollywood is going to want to play this one; it’s really a passing of the torch between Sigourney and this younger actress who would play Newt. It would keep the franchise alive and the studios would make money because that’s what the bottom line is now: money.”
As reported by Aggressive Comix, Weaver provided an update recently at a VMware event.
“Well, I *think* it is,” replied Weaver, when asked if Alien 5 is still in the works. “Ridley asked Neill NOT to make our Alien till after Prometheus 2. [Ridley] wanted his movie to shoot and be released first. But it’s an AMAZING script, and Neill and I are REALLY excited about doing it. We’re doing other things until we can get going on that. I’d be really surprised if we DIDN’T do it, because it’s such a great script, and we love working together. So, it’s just going to take a little bit longer to get out to you, but it’ll be worth the wait.”