Stairs and Shocker Remade?


Craven Talks Shocker remakeFinally, Wes Craven admits that not only does Shocker need to be remade, it needs to be remade as soon as humanly possible.

Well, all right maybe he’s not that adamant about it, but he did reveal in a recent interview with Coming Soon that there was talk of both Shocker and People Under the Stairs remakes being smacked about like a cat with a dead thing. He also confirmed that the next remake will be Last House on the Left, for which they’re currently courting some new directors, which he talked about more in my recent on-camera interview with him.

So why remake Shocker, arguably one of the coolest bad films that no one saw of the 1980’s? Craven explains: “…the original film had some real disasters happen with the special effects and opticals. It really fell short of what I wanted to do because we ran out of money and ended up having someone do them that didn’t know what he was doing. I think if that were done with better technical finesse in the opticals and special effects, it could be a lot of fun.”

Personally I think it’d be a good idea just for the franchise potential alone. I want to see a damn series of films about a serial killer who can travel through electricity! But People Under the Stairs needs to be left the hell alone; there’s no way you can duplicate that kind of weirdness. Check out the full interview right here for more!

Johnny Butane

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