Meat Train’s Location Correction


Correct location for Midnight Meat TrainI just wanted to clear up something that started going around the Net last week about the setting for Midnight Meat Train, a film that is so New York City at its core that it hurts, changing its setting from NYC to LA because that’s where most of the film is being shot.

First of all, if NYC would loosen some of its restrictions and make it easier to film there, none of this would be an issue. That being said, Barker’s comments to Phil and Sarah at the official Clive Barker resource were not totally off the mark, but from what we’ve come to find out, they were not completely accurate either.

When they realized that it would be way too cost prohibitive to dress LA to look like NYC, production house Lakeshore decided that Midnight Meat Train would take place in an unnamed city that resembled NYC but was lacking in the distinctive landmarks that would be too hard to duplicate.

So the good news is they’re not setting Train in LA’s substandard subway system, which has only actually been in existence for a decade, making the beasts that live in it about 10 years old, but some of its heart and soul is being taken away by not being able to set it specifically in New York City. Hopefully the style director Ryuhei Kitamura brings to the film will more than make up for it!

Johnny Butane

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