Grindhouse Too Hard for R?

A story showed up over on the Page 6 section of the New York Post’s site that just makes me laugh.
It’s a story about how basically there’s no way for Grindhouse to find its way into theaters with an “R” rating because, based on scenes the scooper for the glorified tabloid saw, it’s just way too nasty.
What’s funny about it is that the footage he refers to isn’t even from either Planet Terror or Death Proof but rather from the faux trailers that will be shown between them, namely Rob Zombie’s Werewolf Women of the SS and Eli Roth’s Thanksgiving Day. I will admit what he describes are scenes that will likely throw audiences for a loop, but if they’re just for trailers for movies that don’t actually exist, what the hell does the MPAA do about that?
We don’t know yet as “this film is not yet rated,” but I’m sure the final word will be down soon enough since Grindhouse is due in theaters on April 6th. Stay tuned for more as we learn it, and be sure to check out the Page 6 link to read about the nastiness!
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