New Xombie Episode Online!

If you’re not one much for “reading”, perhaps you didn’t take the advice I gave in my review of Xombie: Dead on Arrival and go out and buy the book. That, or you’re illiterate in which case what the hell are you doing reading a website?
Anyway, if you didn’t get the book you don’t know how the plight of the self-aware zombie hero Dirge and his little human charge Zoe comes to an end, but you’re in luck. Creator Jamie Farr just put up the ninth episode of the Flash-animated series that started it all, so you can be that much closer to the big finale.
Personally I think it’s the sleekest of all those that preceded it and I can’t wait for the series to finish (just one episode left!) so we can see a DVD release of the whole thing. Click here to see Xombie: Chapter 9 and when you’re done click here to get the book, or face the possiblity of a horde of animated undead zombies showing up at your front door. Unless you’re into that sorta thing…
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