Schumacher Talks Town Creek


Though I really didn’t dig on The Number 23 too much (check my review of it here), it was nice to see director Joel Schumacher try to do something a bit different, even if he did get sidetracked along the way and it turned into a standard whodunit.

His next film, Town Creek, might just see the director finally do something truly scary. You see the film is about the Nazis’ obsession with creating the master race, something they documented very thoroughly throughout their time in power in order to make sure once they hit on something, they’d know how they got there. What the movie is not, thank the gods, is a standard vampire flick, which is what some may assume because of his trekking to Romania to film. Personally I think it’s because it’s wicked cheap to shoot out there.

A recent interview with The Ottawa Citizen has Schumacher talking not just about Town Creek but his entire career, which is actually a pretty fascinating, if not somewhat brief, story.

Creek is expected to start shooting in Romania soon. The first half of the movie will take place in 1936 during the height of the Nazis’ power, the second in modern times with the ghosts of the past coming back to haunt today’s world.

“I love horror movies, and I’ve never been offered one that was original,” he told the paper. “This one I thought really was.” Click here to read the entire article!

Johnny Butane

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