Englund Chats Mask, Freddy


Robert Englund as Doc Halloran in Behind the MaskPersonally I’ve only ever talked to Robert Englund very briefly about 2001 Manaics, and he was very cool to me. Everyone I know who has met him has said you can’t ask for a nicer guy in the industry, and this really shines through in a recent interview posted with him over on the official Playboy blog.

Among the various projects he discusses, he talks about his role in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (review), which Anchor Bay is putting in theaters next Friday: “I had an accumulation of low-budget horror scripts by the side of my bed, and this was one of the best,” he told the magazine. “Even though it was something borrowed, something blue, it was borrowing from an interesting place. I wanted the part of a retired serial killer, kind of flipping burgers and saying, ‘Oh those kids today!’ But I play Doc Halloran, sort of the Ahab/Dr. Loomis role. Right away I knew we were making a smart little film. “

He’s also asked about the possibility of a new Freddy movie, though he doesn’t have much more info than most on what might be happening with it: “There is talk of a documentary-style prequel of Elm Street,” he continued. “I would play myself, and first you’d see the crimes against the children, the cops solve the case, Freddy gets caught. Then the cool part is the shyster lawyers get him off and, of course, the parents and PTA burn him alive. All the alcoholic, valium-popping soccer moms burn Freddy alive while masturbating. I don’t know—whatever the hell they’ve got in mind.” Which, I hope to God, is not that. At least the masturbating part.

One thing that was noticeably absent from the interview is any discussion of Englund’s return to directing, Killer Pad, which seems a bit odd to me. That being said, you can check out the whole thing right here to read about everything but, including a possible return to “V”…

Johnny Butane

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