Soisson Feasts


Though he did what everyone who worked on the film considered a kick ass job, John Gulager is still not getting the directing gigs he so richly deserves. If you’ve seen Feast and dug it as much as I, you know that the man’s got some serious skills and should be doing way more than he is right now. What is he doing right now? You can find out for yourself by heading out to Fear Fest in two weeks (!) where he is a guest along with writers Marcus Dustan and Patrick Melton. All right, shameless plug is over.

Clint, the big bad over at Moviehole, recently got to have a nice heart-to-heart with Feast producer Joel Soisson, who dished info on all sorts of upcoming projects including the two proposed Feast sequels, both of which will hopefully feature Gulager back in the director’s chair … if they know what’s good for them. “We’re in the early stages of figuring out the Feast sequels,” he told the Aussie site. “I think there will be a lot of beer consumed before the origin issue is finally settled. We’re just now trying to figure all that out. Hopefully with John [Gulager] at the helm. This time around, he’ll be a fully mature director. Which means that, like a grown-up chimp, it will take 10 strong men (or 20 producers) to handle him.”

That’s some good news for us fans of the man’s limited work, though admittedly it’d be nice to see him do something different because we all know he can. I guess if the money and the ideas are right, no one should be complaining though.

Many other franchises are discussed including Pulse and Bill and Ted, as well as the possibility of remaking The Prophecy and Trick or Treat (!), so be sure to get your fingers clicking right here to check out the whole thing!

Johnny Butane

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