Tripper Tour Kicks Off at Fear Fest!

Thought we were done adding guests when we recently announced the addition of Howling director Joe Dante, former Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul, Wrong Turn 2 director Joe Lynch and star Ken Kirzinger? Wrong!
We just got word that David Arquette will be starting his Tripper tour at the first-ever Fear Fest! On Sunday, March 25th Arquette will roll into Mesquite, TX with Tripper star Jason Mewes in tow to hype his directorial debut, which opens in theaters on April 20th. Arquette and Mewes will take part in a panel, sign autographs, and just might show the film for Fear Fest attendees!
Not to let the bad news follow the good, but we’ve also recently learned that ex-porn star and Sin-Jin Smyth leading lady Jenna Jameson will not be able to make the show. It sucks for us, but with a name that big, you can expect some bumps in the road. No worries, though, because we still have the most badass horror con lineup out there with names like Tony Todd, Roddy Piper, Andrew Byrnarski, Joe Dante and Guest of Honor Tobe Hooper!
Fear Fest is truly going to be a can’t miss show so be sure you don’t … um …miss it! Click here for all the Fear Fest info you could ever need, and be sure to hit up the official MySpace page for The Tripper for more info on the film!
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