Kevin Smith Talks Moose Jaws; Mr. Tusk Will Appear

Kevin Smith’s “True North Trilogy” kicked off with gleeful insanity courtesy of Tusk, and it continues with this year’s Yoga Hosers. The third and final part of the trilogy is called Moose Jaws, and it’s exactly the movie it sounds like it is. It’s Jaws… but with a killer moose instead of a shark.
At Sundance’s Deadline Hollywood panel (video below) this week, Smith spoke a bit about the upcoming film, spoiling a fun little scene that will connect Tusk to Moose Jaws.
“Justin [Long] returns as Tusk,” Smith revealed, “and he fights Moose Jaws.”
“I love Jaws, I love Canada, and I combined the two of them,” he elaborated. “So the whole thing is beat-for-beat Jaws, up until the third act. In the third act it becomes Godzilla, Destroy All Monsters, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, and ends with Return of the Jedi. It’s pretty magical.”
Please don’t ever stop being a crazy sumbitch, sir.