Pumpkinrot Shows Off Creepy Halloween 2015 Haunt Footage

In my humble opinion, it’s never too early for Halloween. And although the greatest holiday known to mankind is still several long months away, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a few minutes to reflect on a few of the cooler aspects of the previous year’s offerings.
The folks at Pumpkinrot recently unveiled footage from their 2015 haunt, which looks pretty impressive. Call me a full-blown coward if you want, but a yard full of skeletal scarecrows is enough to give me a serious case of the creeps. I lay the blame squarely on Frank De Felitta’s Dark Night of the Scarecrow.
To help them share this footage with the masses, Pumpkinrot enlisted the help of Jason Innes and James Akers of Halloween at High Noon. So if you’re jonesing for a little taste of Halloween as you’re counting the months until this year’s celebration, check out the video below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47RnAkLTids&w=640&h=360]