Bousman to Helm Scanners


Ironside goes all sorts of nuts in Cronenberg's originalIn what has to be some of the strangest and yet coolest news I’ve ever woken up to, Variety got word this morning that Darren Lynn Bousman has climbed aboard the oft-delayed remake of David Cronenberg’s Scanners, directing the pic from a script by Batman Begins penner David Goyer.

For those of you who may have never seen the 1981 classic, Scanners tells of a man born with the ability to kill with a thought, a skill implanted in him before birth by a group of very bad men, who infiltrates an underground movement to try and take down a group seeking world domination. Most people remember it best for the Scanners “demonstration” scene in which Michael Ironside causes a man’s head to explode in what is still one of the best looking on-screen effects in horror history.

You may also remember that Bousman made a two-picture deal with Dimension shortly after Saw II hit screens; Scanners will be the first of those two. With Saw IV, the horror/musical Repo and now Scanners, needless to say Bousman’s going to be kept busy for a few more years to come!

Johnny Butane

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