Underground Horrors Aboard in Trailer for Russian Horror Diggers


There’s something about underground train tunnels that just makes them so damn creepy. Deep below the surface, branching off into goodness knows where, and always in pitch darkness, they make a great setting for horror films…

And the trailer for the Russian flick Diggers only serves to strengthen that. Coming from Mamy director Tikhon Kornev, it shows that taking the underground really can be murder.

When the last train of the night blows through the station and disappears deep into the tunnel system beneath Moscow rather than stopping and releasing its passengers, and when authorities successfully stifle all talk of the disappeared train and passengers, it falls to a group of young people to work their way into the tunnel system to try to discover what has happened to their friends. And while we have no idea if they succeed in finding what they went in looking for, they certainly find something.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usqWJ2LUSN0]

Diggers (1)


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