Introducing the Official Dread Central Steam Group


We here at Dread Central are spreading our tentacled fingers even further across the Interwebs. If you’ve got yourself a Steam account, then congratulations! You’re cordially invited to join the official Dread Central Steam group! If you don’t have a Steam account, might we suggest you get one? At the very least there are the Steam sales, which promote tantalizing deals so absurdly cheap it would almost be a crime not to spend all your money on them.

At the Dread Central Steam group, we have created a place for all things creepy, Steam-y, and Dread Central-y. In other words, if you want to see what kind of Steam games we’re playing, that is the place! We’ve got curator status so we’ll be bringing you our top recommendations for horror games to play on Steam. Past that, we’ll be posting even more reviews in our discussion forums as well as a few of our long-running editorial series.

So if you like Steam, like Steam games, and want to hear Dread Central’s thoughts on those Steam games, feel free to join the Steam group! It’s on Steam if that wasn’t already apparent…

Download the Client now at, and get lost in the world’s largest digital store of PC games!




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