New Dimension for Buried Alive


Buried Alive scooped up by Dimension!Go Bob, it’s your birthday. Go Bob, it’s your birthday…

Sorry for that celebratory dance (you should feel bad for my wife; she had to see it), but Variety just announced this morning that Dimension Films has reached down from on high and snatched up the distribution rights to Robert Kurtzman’s latest horror film, Buried Alive, which stars, among others, Tobin Bell of the Saw franchise.

Produced by Dark Lot Entertainment as part of a pack of films for which Kurtzman provided the special effects, which include Living Hell and Undead or Alive: A Zombedy, this is the first to see the light of distribution; and even though Dimension tends to have no clue when it comes to horror (other than understanding that it makes them money), I’m still glad for Robert’s success with Buried Alive.

No word on when the film will be out or how (i.e., DTV or theatrical), but as soon as we hear more, so will you!

Johnny Butane

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