Feast Writer Updates


The TinglerBesides (eventually) delivering to us the badass-ness that was Feast, the deals that came down to screenwriters Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan were more than worth the bullshit Dimension put us horror fans through in order to finally see the film.

Sean Decker over at Fangoria recently caught up with Melton, who was more than happy to update the mag on the status of pretty much all the gore-soaked balls the duo are juggling screenwriting-wise. Most exciting, I think, is their take on The Tingler, which Melton confirms “Neil Moritz and the folks at Columbia all wanted to make a genuinely scary R-rated monster movie … There aren’t a lot of R-rated monster films being made at the studio level these days, so having the chance to do one based on the core concepts laid out [in the original] was a no-brainer.” Melton said their inspirations include Alien and The Thing, two of the best monster movies ever made; so expect this one to be good.

Talks of Saw IV are still floating around; the duo were one of a group who were asked to come up with a script for it so Lionsgate had some room to choose what they wanted to go with. Neither the writing partners nor the Gate had much to say, but expect an official announcement very soon.

More exciting is the hint dropped the Dimension may be commissioning the pair to pen two sequels to Feast, which Patrick said would allow them “an outlet for every sordid and disgusting thought we have!” Now that’s what I want to see in a monster movie, damnit.

Check out the full story for more updates on the numerous projects Melton and Dunstan are in the midst of working on, and be sure to make plans to hit Fear Fest next month for a chance to meet the dynamic duo as well as Feast director John Gulager!

Johnny Butane

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