Marcus Comes Home


Marcus on DVD!A while back we told you about an indie film that sounded like it had some potential, bringing home awards from some of the smaller fests around the country, called Marcus, from first-time directors Bob Hardison and Richard Robinson. Now we can follow-up on that story with a look at the new cover art for the flick, which is due to hit DVD on March 6th.

Marcus tells of a group of friends who gather at a girl’s house for some Chritmas festivities. When they arrive, however, their host is nowhere to be found and they are greated by a man named Marcus, claiming to be the girl’s boyfriend. None of them have heard of him before, however, and pretty soon the tension in the small environment rises to palpable levels. Meanwhile, the girl they’re all waiting for is bleeding out in a bathtub upstairs.

Sounds pretty intense, no? Most of the reviews I’ve read have made it very clear that Marcus is a film with more intention of fucking with your head than making you watch mutilation, so don’t expect a low-rent Saw from this one.

Hit the official Marcus site for more on the film!

Johnny Butane

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