Ask Eric Red!

Earlier today we pointed you towards IGN for to check out a clip from the upcoming remake of the 1986 road movie thriller The Hitcher, which opens in theaters on January 19th. But we know what you really want; you want to hear from the screenwriter of the original Hitcher, Eric Red!
Of course those sexy bastards at Arrow in the Head got the hook up. Click here to find out how you can ask Red a question, be it about The Hitcher, the planned remake of Near Dark (another of Eric’s brilliant early scripts) or why his werewolf film, Bad Moon (pictured), never gets the love it deserves. Of course you could also pick his brain for details on his new movie, 100 Feet, which we last told you about right here.
Whatever you wanna know, just make sure it’s interesting because they’re only selecting 20 questions to throw at the man. He does have a life, you know!
Ridicule others for their questions in our forums!