DVD Release List: Snakes on a Disc

New year, new discs! Here’s what’s on DVD come January 2nd, 2007…
The Covenant (2006)
Directed by Renny Harlin
Many, remember when Renny Harlin made good movies like … um … Deep Blue Sea? Yeah! Now that was one for the ages. This latest offering, however is one for the woodpile. Or so I’ve heard. I’ve managed to avoid to seeing it at all since it came out in theaters because damnit I will not waste my money on something that looks like it wants to be both The Lost Boys and The Craft but with none of the cool or hot chicks. Check out Kryten’s DVD review of it for the opinion of someone who actually has seen it. Buy it here!
Dark Portals: The Chronicles of Vidocq (2001)
Directed by Pitof
I know, this movie has a lot going against it; it’s a Lionsgate release you’ve probably never heard of, it stars Gerard Depardieu and the director has no last name. But despite all these strikes Dark Portals (which was changed from simply Vidocq for it’s U.S. debut for some reason) is actually a pretty cool movie. It’s about the titular detective who disappears in the middle of a busy city. The assassin Vidocq’s been tracking is the prime suspect, but when Vidocq’s assistant takes the case on he discovers the truth is far more nefarious. If nothing else the movie looks awesome, so give it a chance. Buy it here!
The Darkroom (2006)
Directed by Michael Hurst
Though in his DVD review of it Uncle Creepy said The Darkroom felt made-for-TV, the rest of his description, that it was full of great gore and a quick pace, made me want to check it out nonetheless. The story is about a man who has suffered from extreme amnesia most of his life. He meets a woman who is trying out a new drug that is supposed to reverse amnesia but it works way too well. Not only can he remember it all now, but he’s able to see a demon do some nasty work on multiple victims at the same time. I know I’m curious! Buy it here!
Snakes on a Plane (2006)
Directed by David R. Ellis
The little movie everyone thought would change the face of marketing forever. All the internet hype that was behind this film would drive it straight to #1 and us online journalists would finally be taken seriously. Sadly such was not the case; the numbers for opening weekend were what New Line had expected without all the hype on the internet. So that means either New Line was delusional about the appeal of a movie called Snakes on a Plane, the internet really has no effect on what movies people go see, or that the moviegoing public has a threshold for how much hype they can take. Get the DVD and find out if was all worth it! Buy it here!
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