Todd McFarlane’s Early Sketches Of The Incredible Hulk Will Give Fans Nightmares

Although he is probably best known for being the creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane recently took to Twitter to reveal his early artwork for another hugely popular comic character.

Before he was officially hired by Marvel in the late 1980s, McFarlane drew several pictures of the Hulk, which you can view in the tweet below. This is the first time McFarlane has shared these drawings publicly, and while they are not official as he was not working for Marvel at the time of their conception, you can still see his incredible talent as an artist shining through. Although the images are in black and white and therefore fail to capture the Hulk’s striking green visage, we still love the little touches included by McFarlane, such as how he was sure to illustrate the character’s furious eyes and his unkempt hair. This is clearly a more terrifying depiction of the Hulk than the hipster version played by Mark Ruffalo in Avengers: Endgame. Trust us when we say that if you saw McFarlane’s version of the Hulk in real life, you would not ask for a selfie with him.

Unless we have misread McFarlane’s handwriting, the images appear to be dated between 1981 and 1983. In the brief description he included along with the images, McFarlane talks about how important it is for artists to practice in order to be as good as they can be. And since he is arguably one of the most successful artists in the world, you should probably listen to his advice.

As well as co-creating Venom for Marvel and being the co-founder of Image Comics, McFarlane also continues to work on his monthly Spawn series. He is also developing the upcoming Spawn reboot film, which we have regularly been covering.



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