Yancy Butler Joins the Family in Tales


Yancy Butler joins the family in Albert Pyun's Tales of an Ancient EmpireWe’ve been staying in close contact with director Albert Pyun with regard to updates on his new project, Tales of an Ancient Empire (““>Pyun Ready to Film Again in Argentina” – April 2008); and as promised in our previous story, Albert just dropped us a line with some additional casting news.

Former “Witchblade” star Yancy Butler will be joining the previously announced Christopher Lambert, Kevin Sorbo, and Victoria Maurette as yet another half-sibling of their dysfunctional family circus. Dad (played by Lee Horsley) sure did get around back in the day! As Pyun himself puts it, “It’s going to be a sight to see Highlander, Hercules, and Witchblade marching shoulder to shoulder into desperate battle, swords and axes hacking away. There will be blood … and heads, and arms … and vampire hearts!

Who wouldn’t be excited by a description like that? I can’t wait to hear more!

Debi Moore

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