Howl of a Good Time (Short)


Howl of a good timeStarring Tamara Glynn, Leslie Easterbrook, Renae Geerlings

Directed by Patrick Rea

Take a good look around, horror aficionados – at this point in the game if you’re not sawing off limbs by the truckload, or running through the woods with your Go-Pro while attempting to flee from some unknown hostile presence, then creatively, you’re just not trying. However, sometimes all it takes is a few inspired individuals, and just a little bit of runtime, and BOOM – an entertaining return to form, where simplicity can win you over.

Topping off at a whopping 9 minutes, Patrick Rea (director of Nailbiter) completes his latest short, titled Howl Of A Good Time, which has already been making the convention and film festival rounds, and is drawing rave reviews from critics. Rea received a little help in addition to his double-duty of both directing and writing, calling on Tamara Glynn of Halloween 5 fame, returning to an on-screen presence after a 26-year hiatus to not only act, but assisting in an executive producing role. The short film takes us inside a movie theater where all patrons, young and old, are clamoring to make their way inside for tonight’s special feature, but unbeknownst to the masses, there is a more sinister motive at hand for the ticket-holders, and while it would be a completely sadistic act to give away any more details, you can rest assured that things will get hairy.

Glynn is not the only horror professional to have some time in front of the lens – in addition we’ve got Leslie Easterbrook (The Devil’s Rejects) and Renae Geerling (Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2) playing theater employees, all three are fun to watch, and each one takes a big bite out of each scene they’re in, respectively. While this might come off as a little tepid for some of our more hardcore fans, it’s always a nice departure to pump the brakes a bit, and allow ourselves a little time to breathe from all the zombie-slaying, home-invading, poltergeist-wrangling, devil-doll possessing, bigfoot-hunting, alien-invading celluloid duds that have deluged us like a tidal wave of manure. This is something that parents can check out with the kids, and all parties can be entertained equally, so check out the trailer below, and judge for yourselves.

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