Presidential Candidate A. Zombie Lands His First Newspaper Endorsement

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The campaign of the first undead contender for the nation’s highest office, A. Zombie, has just received a major boost with a hearty endorsement from one of the nation’s most unique media outlets (and Uncle Creepy favorite), The Weekly World News.

From the Press Release:
Enthusiastic support for candidate A. Zombie came from Ed Anger, the hyper-opinionated columnist who, since 1979, has been offering opinions The Economist called “so vitriolically right-wing that they may be coming from the left.” The commentator’s weekly columns are also included in the book Let’s Pave the Stupid Rainforests and Give School Teachers Stun Guns: And Other Ways to Save America.

“Why am I voting for this undead leader?” writes Ed Anger. “Because it’s time for a new kind of leader; it’s time to elect somebody who is dead, not someone who acts dead! What we need is somebody who appreciates good, well-developed brains. We need somebody who eats brains. We need to elect A. Zombie for President of the U.S.A.”

The full text of Anger’s endorsement can be found here.

Known for its major scoops about society, science and the world around us, The Weekly World News has also been an unlikely source of spot-on political coverage, especially prognostications regarding Presidential elections. The Weekly World News’ Alien character has correctly predicted the outcome of every Presidential contest since Ronald Reagan in 1980!

Since announcing his candidacy at a high-energy rally in San Diego on August 20, Zombie and his human wife/spokesperson, Patty Morgan-Zombie, have been on a cross-country bus tour to five major U.S. cities, including Tampa and Charlotte, where they brought their pro-zombie message to thousands of supporters and media at the Republican and Democratic Conventions.

“My husband appreciates this ringing endorsement. If he could speak, he’d most definitely say, ‘Thank you, Ed Anger’,” said Patty Morgan-Zombie.

The A. Zombie for President Campaign is organized by AMC Networks, home to AMC, WE tv, IFC, and Sundance Channel. Satellite company DISH dropped these networks earlier this year because of an unrelated lawsuit and is now in the disadvantaged position of being the nation’s only major television provider without these channels and their popular shows.

In a recent interview with TV Guide, AMC president Charlie Collier had this to say about AMC Networks’ fight with satellite provider Dish: “The biggest frustration is I’ve never had one conversation with them about pricing or about the customer. We were dropped due to an unrelated lawsuit that is truly out of my control. It’s the best time in AMC history because of this confluence of events. I’m shocked that Dish wouldn’t want to have this network available for its customers at this time. We’d encourage them to find a platform that carries AMC.

A one-issue candidate, A. Zombie’s mission is to rally zombie fans around the country who don’t have access to these networks and shows to find an alternative television provider before the highly-anticipated third season premiere on October 14, 2012, of A. Zombie’s favorite show, AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” the most watched basic cable scripted drama series among DISH subscribers, according to The Nielsen Company.

A. Zombie’s complete platform can be found on

Presidential Candidate A. Zombie Lands His First Newspaper Endorsement

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