A New Killer Unleashed in Billy’s Cult

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Although we frequently get news of new serial killers being set loose on an unsuspecting group of teens or bikini models or some other unfortunate bunch, it’s always cool to take a look at what filmmakers have come up with for the new face of terror. In Billy’s Cult we get a look at a murderer cast aside by his parents and bent on revenge. It works in facets of revenge, violence and religion. And it stars Debbie Rochon! That’s more than enough to get our attention!

The lovely Ms. Rochon stars alongside Lou Martini, Jr., Susan Campanaro, Suzi Lorraine, Anthony Grasso, Lauren MacMathers and Donovan Kern and the murderous Billy. You can check out the official trailer below or at the Billy’s Cult website. And be sure to join the fun at Billy’s Cult Facebook page.

Billy’s Cult takes us into the demented mind of Billy, a ruthless killer unlike any other seen before. Born out of sin, Billy is given up at a young age for adoption by his mother, Lenore Kingsley. He grows up wanting revenge on his mother and biological father, a Roman Catholic priest, Father Allen Perry. Meanwhile, Detectives Gates and Steele are in pursuit of this killer, trying to put an end to the killing spree while, at the same time, attempting to exorcise their own inner demons. Billy’s Cult is like nothing you’ve ever witnessed, and in short, it will scare the hell out of you.

A New Killer Unleashed in Billy's Cult

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