9 of the Worst Horror Tattoos – 2017 Edition


As stated in a previous article, as horror fans, we have a tendency to bleed for what we love. Tattoos are probably the most personal way to express your love for something on a permanent basis… but they can also lead to some truly bad life choices.

Below you’ll find 9 more of the worst tattoos we’ve ever seen!

Related Story: 9 of the Worst Horror Tattoos

Seen worse? Have worse? Share them with us by emailing info@dreadcentral.com, and we’ll post a user-generated gallery! Don’t be ashamed! Celebrate you what you love by traversing that painful road that was lined with good intentions!

Bad Horror tattoos

So close yet so far!

Bad Horror tattoos

Dear God, why?!?! Just why??!?

Bad Horror tattoos

Something tells us he wouldn’t have gotten that tattoo on his chest.

Bad Horror tattoos

Strangely drawn moose-knuckle aside… Not so thrilling.

Bad Horror tattoos

Rule #87: Don’t get Jesse Eisenberg tattoos.

Bad Horror tattoos

Note: There is never a proper place or time for Bieber. Not even Zombie Bieber. Carry on.

Bad Horror tattoos

Ummm… Christopher Lee as Dracula? We think?

Bad Horror tattoos

Frustratingly bad because the Monster doesn’t look like the Monster, and the Monster is the focal point of the entire piece. A for effort though.

Bad Horror tattoos




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