Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 106 – Splinter


Queue the confetti and streamers (clown cum?) – Episode 106 is here! We just picked a random movie off of horror streaming site Shudder, and that’s how we chose this episode. Thank you, lord baby Jesus, 8lbs. 4ozs. for we had a ton of fun with this episode!

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Man, I really wish someone would remake the Thing but remove all the tension, use not as sweet of a monster, take out Kurt Russell, and stage it at a gas station!”? First, you’re wrong. Secondly, they did, dummy! Well, kind of. We’re discussing 2008’s shape-shifting creature feature Splinter! How many penis jokes do we make in this episode? Probably a lot.

BEDELIA, YOU BITCH! What do you think I’ve got you here for? You’re just like all the others – you’re nothing but a bunch of VULTURES! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 106!

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