Found Footage Trend Continues By Demon’s Will


The found footage sub-genre often gets a bum rap because the problem isn’t with the filmmaking style so much as the way it’s been used in recent years. Films like The Taking of Deborah Logan show that there’s still hope, and we can be sure that the trend won’t be dying off anytime soon.

Per Variety, Novelo Filmes has just boarded writer/director Cintia Domit Bittar’s Brazilian found-footage film By Demon’s Will, which is currently in development and is looking to breathe some new life into the sub-genre. The plan is to fund and shoot it next year.

By Demon’s Will follows Lena, a student finishing her Master’s dissertation about people who believe they are possessed by demons. At a psychiatric clinic, she interviews patients with that profile and ends up meeting Rose, who confesses to have set fire to her family’s house with her parents and brother inside, under the guidance of demons.

Investigating Rose’s past, Lena will find a VHS tape containing images recorded at her brother’s birthday party, clues to what actually might have happened.

The film “intends to explore the found-footage horror sub-genre in a pure way, preserving to the maximum its aesthetic and narrative characteristics, without the use of resources like sound effects, soundtrack, or visual and post-production tricks,” said Novelo Filmes‘ partner and producer Ana Paula Mendes.

Our film revolves around a recorded clinic diary from a psychologist, our lead character, that studies people who believe they are possessed by demons,” added Cintia Domit Bittar. “She records every session with her patients, where bizarre and scary things happen. So we believe that using her recordings like a found-footage, we could have a much more powerful narrative.”

by demon's will



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