Horrible Imaginings Podcast #162: Remembering Zacherley the Cool Ghoul this Halloween


Happy Halloween everyone! I have a bittersweet episode to celebrate our favorite holiday. As you all probably know, John Zacherle, aka Zacherley The Cool Ghoul, departed this mortal dimension late last week. He lived to the rich old age of 98, and for monster kids of all ages, Zacherley has long been an important part of our horror community. I got to meet him twice at Chiller Conventions, and his physical presence on this planet will be missed.


As one of the ultimate horror hosts, Zacherley was one of the first wave of personalities to introduce a new generation to the classic horror films of the 30s and 40s on the then-new medium of television. Because of the efforts of hosts like Zacherley, these films came back from the dead and continue to thrill us today. Because so much of Zacherley’s legacy is about keeping classic films alive and helping horror fans get to know the roots of the genre they love, I decided to ask semi-regular podcast guest and #oldmovieweirdo Will McKinley to join me in this tribute.


Will McKinley with John Zacherle at Chiller

Will has joined me on this podcast many times to espouse the importance of preserving classic film. He is a writer for various books and radio shows, including “Monster Serial,” “Bride of Monster Serial,” and “Bride of Monster Serial.” He also used to work with the legendary Jonathan “Barnabas Collins” Frid, and contributed to the book “Remembering Jonathan Frid. Follow him on Twitter @WillMcKinley.

Join us in remembering the frightful magic of Zacherley!

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